The Pain Spiral Help Guide

If you suffer from back pain - the chances are that you’ve had moments where you get stuck in a downward spiral. They are also known as Flare Ups. This is a moment where pain and the emotions associated with the pain can seem unbearable. This is a quick guide to help you overcome a back pain spiral.

Why do we have pain spirals or flare-ups from back pain?

  • Human bodies have evolved to respond to stimuli like pain. Hormones like adrenaline have helped humans avoid danger and respond to threats quickly.

  • Our brains are ‘hijacked’ whenever our central nervous system perceives a painful stimulus which makes it hard to focus on anything else.

Steps You Can Take To Get Out Of Panic Spirals or Flare Up

Get Out Of Panic Spirals

1. Understand Your Condition

  • If you get into panic spirals often, it’s best to understand the warning signs to prevent future episodes.

  • Understand that you’ve been here before, and more importantly, you’ve gotten out of it before. Thinking like this will help you gain more control.

2. Get Into A Position (Or Environment) Of Comfort

  • Getting into a position of comfort, in a calm environment can help you relax which will help build up pain endurance.

  • Practicing breathing techniques can help you relax further and gain more control over your mental state.

3. Focus On The Present

  • Although it’s tough, focusing on the here and now can help you assess your panic spiral from an objective point of view.

  • Employ breathing techniques to focus on the present moment.

4. Take Action

  • Shift your focus towards positive thoughts. Think of happy memories and all the good that’s going on in your life.

  • Understand that worrying about your pain or your panic attacks will only make them worse.

  • Let go of catastrophic thinking.

  • Challenge your negative thinking by not beating yourself over your anxious and intrusive thoughts.

5. Identify The Source Of The Panic

  • Even though chronic pain can be quite enduring, most of our mental panic is caused by other factors in our lives such as work, family, and even our health.

  • Understand that it’s not just the pain that’s causing you to get into a panic spiral. Doing this will help you regain control of your situation and will help you calm down.

Learn to tackle pain spirals with the Riseflo app for iPhone and iPad by clicking below.