Our Mission: Empower people to feel control over their lives without the fear of back pain

We strive to remove the fear of back pain in day-to-day life with a simple and personalized mobile app for managing pain and improving emotional well-being. Riseflo reduces the time, costs, and frustration associated with finding relief. It offers holistic treatments for back pain (mind + body) clinically shown to reduce pain intensity and pain interference with daily life. 

Our Company Beliefs:

  1. There are no one size fits all solutions - we empower individuals to discover the best mix of content in a daily routine to get back to doing what they love.

  2. Help users improve every day - even if it’s just by a little each day.

  3. Empathy above all - create an inclusive environment where there are no wrong answers, only “yes, and”.

  4. Privacy and user trust above incremental features and profits.

  5. We are not providing medical advice, we are giving wellness advice. Medical advice should be left to doctors and at the discretion of the user. 

Our Story:

We built this app for us and the people we love. Henry - one of our founders - suffered through years of chronic lower back pain that affected his physical and emotional well-being. Leo helped a family member through rehabilitation following a car accident and got to see first-hand the lack of coordination between psychological and physical therapy in our healthcare system. We partnered with Peter Nguyen (Psychologist focusing on chronic pain) and Marc Jacopchick (Doctor of Physical Therapy) to bring the world an app that helps users overcome chronic pain quickly backed by years of clinical research.