Why am I experiencing lower back pain? Learn about it, and how to fix it with Riseflo app

Read statistics on back pain and how Riseflo can help you to solve it at home.

Riseflo’s mission is to reduce the impact of back pain on humanity. Some of the numbers that have motivated us:

Back pain is often mistreated and costly in the US and Canada

Chronic pain
  • Opioids are overprescribed for back pain and are not effective at treating the source of the pain. They’re more like a band aide. Let Riseflo help you solve the problem at home with our mobile app.

  • Surgery is overprescribed and costly, and its effect depends on rehabilitation through physical therapy. The same effects can often be achieved through therapeutics. Learn how to relax your body and help alleviate back pain naturally with Riseflo.

  • Physical therapy has high out-of-pocket costs + limited coverage with standard health insurance. An out-of-pocket visit can cost as much as $200.

  • Access to pain clinics that provide holistic care is limited in the US and Canada. Where you live often determines the quality of care you get. Learn more with our free information back pain resources before seeing a doctor here.

Riseflo - a new mobile app for back pain - helps solve these issues because:

  • It is always with you so you can follow a chronic pain management program wherever you go. Just 15 minutes a day for a few weeks can decrease pain’s impact on your life.

  • It’s low cost compared to alternatives and has a high degree of personalization - everyone’s recovery plan is different. There’s even a free version.

  • Anyone with an internet connection and an iPhone or iPad can access it. There are no limitations based on where you live in the US and Canada.

  • It lets you do a little every day (as much as you are comfortable doing). That little bit every day adds up over time!