Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Riseflo cost?

There is a free version of Riseflo and a paid version. The paid version includes personalized exercises and coaching.

Why does it take 6 weeks in order for me to feel better?

Back pain is complex, and it takes time to get you into a routine that works best for you. This is because chronic back pain is an umbrella term for thousands of different conditions.

Who created the Riseflo program?

World-renowned Physical Therapists and Psychologists teamed up to bring cutting-edge research to two app developers to make Riseflo. We created Riseflo because we think the medical system is failing people who suffer from chronic pain. We started with chronic back pain because it’s the most pervasive chronic pain condition in the world.

How does the app work?

Riseflo delivers lower back pain treatment directly to your iPhone or iPad. It helps you build a daily routine that is most beneficial to your complex condition. Things we will try with you include breathing exercises, yoga, tai-chi, journaling, physical therapy, stretching, strengthening, and learning about chronic back pain.

Is the app only available for iOS and iPad?

Yes, for now. Developing an app like Riseflo is very resource-intensive and we started with iOS so we could get an app to people who need it as quickly as possible. We are working on an Android version and will launch it soon.