Riseflo App Customer Testimonials

Riseflo has helped hundreds of people suffering from back pain get back to doing the things that they love. We use proprietary technology to measure how you’re feeling every day and help you track it over time.

On average, users increase their confidence to manage pain from 35% to 95%+ after just 6 weeks. The chart below shows the average Riseflo user experience:

What Customers are Saying

"You guys got me outside and moving again without being demanding. The way you’ve talked about chronic pain and how it makes someone feel, no one has ever broached the topic in this way with me. You know where I'm coming from and it has gotten a bit of confidence behind me.” — Lori, Alberta CA

“I really enjoyed the breathing videos and relaxation exercises. It was cool to learn how our nervous systems are triggered, and then right away start to put that into practice.” — Emily A., Seattle WA

“The app came at a perfect time for me as I was dealing with a lot of stressful emotions related to my lower back/hip/SI pain. I am thankful I learned how to tackle these while learning to stretch and strengthen.” — Stephen R., St. Louis MO